Best Agency Trading Desk List 2023

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Last updated on January 26th, 2023 at 04:21 pm

What are Trading Desks?

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  • Trading desks are basically where all kinds of transactions for buying and selling securities occur, and serves as an audience buying technology. According to American market research company Forrester, trading desks serve as a managed service layer, on top of a licensed Demand Side platform (DSP) and various other audience buying technologies. Audience buying, and bid-based media are few of the things managed by trading desks.

    Traders operating in the financial markets usually work in a room known as the trading floor or trading room. a large open space shared with a few desks is what makes up a trading floor. Each of these desks is formally called trading desk and specializes in either security type or market segment.

    The people sitting behind these trading desks are all license holders in either of the two types of investments, either equities or commodities. At the end of the day, their ultimate goal is the benefit of their customers. There are different types of trading desks:

    • Equity trading desks handle everything from trading of equity to exotic options trading.
    • Fixed income trading desks are known for handling government bonds, corporate bonds, and other bond-like instruments which remunerates a revenue.
    • Foreign exchange trading desks trade currencies in pairs.
    • Commodity trading desks are focused on agricultural products, metals, and other beneficial commodities, such as crude oil, gold, and coffee.
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    Nowadays all major companies have agency trading desks which is a very high-powering way to purchase audiences. Companies such as Havas, IPG, MDC, Omnicom, Publicis, WPP all have agency trading desks. This model was first trialed on display advertising, by tapping into advertisements displayed on Google’s DoubleClick Ad Exchange and, Yahoo’s Right Media Exchange and Real-time bidding supply through DSP.

    Benefits of Agency Trading Desks

    • Better targeting- One of the fundamental terms in marketing is “targeting”. The company should be able to identify their audience and make provisions to target them so that the product gets rightfully promoted. These agencies generally make an entire list of the attributes of the audiences; thus providing them the ability to selectively choose their inventory, reducing the buying of unwanted impressions and audiences.
    • Richer Insights- A detailed account of the data analysis is maintained which provides information about different online and offline initiatives.
    • Increased and better ROI (Return On Investment)- The sole purpose of trading desks is to help their clients improve their performance based on every single dollar spent.
    • Reliable service- Since there is no third party involved in the trading agency network, the companies can trust their services to consistent and integrated with each other.

    Best Agency Trading Desk List 2023

    • Accuen

    Owned by Omnicom Media Group, Accuen stands for Accurate Engagement. This is Omnicom group’s programmatic agency. Data, technology, media, and strategy are combined to give market-friendly solutions for audience buying. Accuen is one of the world’s first open and flexible platform for programmatic media buying. For further details and information contact Accuen at [email protected].

    • Xaxis, WPP-

    A digital media company, the main goal of Xaxis is to place advertising for the targeted audience across the digital media landscape. As of 2015, Xaxis has launched Light Reaction, a marketing service and has acquired the mobile ad-tech startup ActionX. Xaxis is also the world’s largest audience buying company with an incredible reach globally. The company is agency partners with Maxus, MEC, MediaCom, and Mindshare. Visit their website for a better understanding of their work.

    • Media Innovation Group
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    “We can help you evaluate opportunities, risks, and solution providers.” A single access point is to every digital audience is provided to marketing communicators. The world’s largest media buyer WPP is behind MIG (Media Innovation Group). MIG gives its users a world class service in the understanding of the trends in digital marketing which includes media buying, planning, and optimization. Contact MIG at [email protected].

    • Vivaki

    Vivaki is a part of the world’s largest communications group Publicis Groupe. An enabling community that improves and fastens a brand’s abilities to bring solutions in a personalized world and put them to use. They influence the skill and size of the world’s two largest digital specialist agencies (Digitas and Razorfish) and the world’s two largest media communications companies (Starcom MediaVest Group and ZenithOptimedia) for better achievements of goals.

    • Cadreon, IPG (Interpublic Group)

    Another marketing service platform which basically integrates all data, technology, and inventory to manage the vast audience of their clients. Efficient and useful marketing strategies like online videos, online display and television are adopted by Cadreon to reach the targeted audience. Cadreon is also responsible for developing programmatic technology solutions. Contact Cadreon at [email protected] for further details.

    • Digilant

    A marketing technology company providing their clients with a supportive platform for programmatic media buying. It is an independent global company founded by the Rodes family and has an immense reach internationally. Digilant comes up with innovative and unique ideas to grab the attention of the consumers. Digilant uses data science to unlock automated buying strategies. A holistic view of the media planning process, insights and various other information is given to its users. Contact [email protected] for various details and doubts.

    • Accordant Media


    One of the main goals of Accordant Media is making Programmatic buying an integral part of the digital marketing strategy. Through data management, activation technologies, expert service and industry-leading transparency marketers are given a valuable insight, for proper and effective results consistently. Their inclusive Accordant ATS™ solution is the only programmatic media system that integrates four key components of the ad tech in a single solution; the four components are Audience Optics, Audience Connect, AIM Analytics, and DataPoints. Use [email protected] to contact Accordant Media for details and more information.

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    Drawbacks of Agency Trading Desks

    • Lack of transparency and communication- In some cases, it so happens that the client is unaware of the execution of their digital media buying by the trading desks.
    • Not very cost-effective- There have been instances where clients have expressed distress because that they are paying not only the agency to manage media but also the agency acquired trading desk.
    • Conflict of interest- These agency trading desks are acting both as seller and buyer.
    • Mandates- It was reported that many agencies had issued mandates wherein it was mentioned that all network-based transactions were to take place through their internal agency trading desks.
    • Rebates- The clients must stay informed about all the rebates and discounts received by the trading desks from the publishers.


    Trading desks are usually very beneficial if there is proper communication between the clients and agency. Most of the leading companies in the world are using agency trading desks for effective results through different strategies like targeting audience, useful and detailed insights, etc.

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    Contributor: Sayantani Saha

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