TapNative Review: Best Native Ad Network for Health Publishers 2023

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Last updated on January 26th, 2023 at 07:13 am

Native advertising is simply sponsored content placed on carefully chosen platforms in a manner that it seamlessly becomes a part of the site’s content without interrupting the user experience. It has been suggested that by the end of 2021, Native advertising will drive 74% of all display ad revenue. Native advertising in healthcare is a growing trend that seems to have helped healthcare marketers better engage with would be clients. Healthcare content marketing by a hospital or health system, pharmaceutical or medical device provider is something we’re already seeing much more of. Several platforms have tried to cater to health but because it’s a such a highly specialized field only one provider has come out on top and it’s called Tap Native.

Tap Native- A Leading Native Advertising Platform focused on Health

Tap Native is the leading native ad platform around health, medical and wellness topics. Health-related marketers benefit from its natively integrated ad units which are used to promote content, products and services to tens of millions of health-conscious users as well as professionals who work in the healthcare sector. Their management is impeccable and embody professionals in the fields of AdTech, health media and native advertising and they have over 40 years of combined experience collaborating with top tier companies, brands and technology. In fact, Tap Native works with the most prestigious health sites including associations, non-profits and medical societies that have never placed native ads on their site before working with Tap.

Tap Native: Benefits for Publishers

Tap Native is the only serious solution for health content monetization. They are a known solution for elevating the quality of health-related advertising which drives revenue far above non-focused native ad providers. Their offer is designed specifically for health publishers and includes-

  • Delivering health-focused ads which can be contextually featured in and around editorial content. An example would be diabetes articles and diabetes ads and offers. They are very careful about screening images and headlines advertisers use which results in a more credible, more relevant looking product. The resultant is better user experience, happy editors and of course higher CPMs.
  • Direct non-programmatic fill in the US geo primarily but Tap can fill impressions in most non-US countries as well with directly sold demand.
  • They constantly work with advertisers to create engaging offers and in the process, they analyze consumption by placement to optimize earnings for marketers and publishers.
  • They also operate a pure health-focused traffic exchange where Tap Native can drive millions of users back to health publishers that participate.
  • They offer content recirculation widgets and can generate additional page views and drive page views to a site’s most valuable pages.
  • Their analytics are very impressive as they provide detailed reports on content consumption and ad categories most engaged with which can provide a site’s editorial team some additional direction.
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Publisher Joining Requirements for Tap Native

Tap Native has three basic requirements for publishers:

  1. The site or content section Tap’s widgets appear on must be related to health, medicine or wellness.
  2. Relevant pages must generate a minimum of 1 million page views monthly.
  3. The site or content must explicitly abstain from advocating or celebrating irresponsible use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, hate, politics, gambling or overtly sexual content. They are really looking for credible partners and scrutinize each new potential partner.

Tap Native: Ad Formats

Tap Native offers contextual and responsive native widgets which can seamlessly blend with your website content. Their native widgets come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, are fully responsive and can be customized with their super simple edit feature.

Tap Native: Product Suite for Publishers

Traffic Monetization: Implement a Tap Native ad unit to the content pages of your site with the option of choosing to feature paid editorial content, ads, or both. Focus on specific therapeutic categories for consumers or medical specialties for HCPs. Their system analyzes content consumption to optimize earnings and presents actionable data to create significant opportunities with advertisers.

Traffic Exchange: Chose to use a traffic exchange unit and Tap Native credits the marketing side of your account and your content is pushed to hundreds of health-related sites in their network, new users are introduced to your content and driven back to your site. No money changes hands, this is a pure health-related traffic exchange. Create as many ads as you like, use the ones which are most effective.

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Content Recirculation: Add a Tap Native recirculation unit to the content pages of your site. Their system analyzes your users and optimizes the content featured to generate maximum engagement, eCPM and post click page views. If you have a health site and aren’t using their recirculation widget, you’re doing it wrong because no one can explain health content consumption like Tap Native’s analytics.

Analytics: All Tap Native solutions include their sophisticated analytics feature which analyzes and reports on health content consumption by therapeutic category or medical specialty. This feature is used by publishers to guide editorial direction, provide management reports or to provide prospective advertisers with credible 3rd party metrics.

Tap Native CPM Rates

Tap Native only works with top tier health sites and works vigilantly to weed out fraud, low quality audiences etc. As a result of this focus and attention to quality, they charge advertisers higher rates than generic non-focused native ad and content recommendation providers. Health marketers are happy to pay their higher rates because they end up with lower CPAs. If you’re a health publisher featuring non-health related ads on your site, you’re leaving money and a better experience for your audience on the table. 

Tap Native Dashboard Overview for Publishers

Tap’s dashboard is nicely formatted. Its intuitive and provides all you need in one compact space. They have a separate section for earnings, ad clicks, impressions, CTR and RPM. They also provide a section which displays your site’s most valuable pages and this is a very interesting section. These most valuable pages can also drive the recirculation function to maximize page views and revenue on your site. They also provide sections for payment history, managing or adding users, payment preferences and a help section. Their dashboard makes health content monetization super simple.

Tap Native Revenue Share

Revenue shares ranges from 50% to 65% depending on terms. Tap executives claim their 65% is the other guy’s 165% as their ads are far more relevant and the rates they charge are higher. In the end, I don’t think health publisher’s care about their revenue share, they care about their CPM, ad relevancy and quality.  

Also Read:  Best CPM Ad Networks for Viral Sites: 2023

Tap Native: Payment Methods

They offer payments in a variety of ways:

  • A mailed check
  • Automated Clearing House (ACH)
  • Bank Wire

Tap Native: Payment Cycle

Tap functions on a monthly payment cycle where payments are made at the end of the calendar month for the previous month’s earnings. For instance, your January earnings would be paid at the end of February.

Contact Details: Publisher Point of Contact

In case you are a Publisher and you wish to contact anyone from the team to have your queries and issues addressed, you could get in touch with Michele Jonsson, who is their Publisher Relations Manager at [email protected].  You can also sign up directly here:

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