Truvid Review- A Complete Video Monetization Platform for Publishers

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Last updated on April 27th, 2023 at 06:09 pm

According to eMarketer’s study, digital video ad spending in the US alone will reach over 22 billion by 2021 ($15 billion currently).  Over the years, we have seen a growing interest among advertisers when it comes to quality video inventory for tier 1 traffic. The video ad industry is slowly adapting to this growing demand for quality video supply! Programmatic channels have also fueled the rise of video advertising– as smart marketers are looking to use video as a medium for their marketing campaigns. Marketers are nowadays targeting popular websites for the reach of their video campaigns as YouTube alone doesn’t seem to suffice their needs.

Publishergrowth: The Revenue Acceleration Platform for Publishers

Blognife is elated to announce the launch of Publisher Growth- a community of publishers that helps you actively accelerate your revenue. This platform assists publishers in growing their traffic and revenue. As publishers, you can share and read reviews of ad networks and hosting companies. You can connect with other publishers to build links for growth and monetization hacks and more. This platform will help you stay up to date with the advertising and publisher ecosystem.


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  • This potentially creates an opportunity for quality publishers like you who have a good volume of inventory and can meet the growing demands of advertisers. However, most advertisers/marketers prefer pre-roll video ads as compared to other formats like (outstream, IBV, interstitial video ads). This is proven by the fact that despite the growth of outstream video ad units, the CPM rates for pre-roll ads still remain the highest. However, there are certain roadblocks for publishers when implementing pre-roll video ads until now, and truvid- as a platform promises to overcome these hurdles for publishers and offers a complete monetization solution. Before we take a deep dive into the solutions of truvid, let us take a look at the problems faced by publishers when it comes to monetizing video content.

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    Publisher Challenges when Getting Started with Video Advertising

    No video content: Most web publishers don’t produce their video content as it takes a lot of effort to produce original video content. This is the first roadblock and thus publishers are not able to find relevant video content that best suits their niche. Additionally, there are chances of infringements and copyright violations as it is difficult to find the original source of most video content that is taken from YouTube under a creative commons license.

    On-demand Video players Require Customization: There are a number of video player solutions that are priced anywhere between $25 to $100 monthly depending upon the usage, ad requests, customizations etc. While you need to have some technical experience to enable the players (requires custom coding), they also come up with an upfront cost.

    Hosting videos content is costly: While this might seem to be a simple task, you would actually end up consuming TBs of bandwidth and you have to pay for all the hosting. It can go from a few hundred of dollars to enterprise plans depending upon the consumption of your video bandwidth.

    In order to overcome these challenges for publishers, truvid has come up with a comprehensive solution that only needs your to plug-and-play to get started.

    truvid: A Complete Video Monetization Platform for the Publishers

    truvid’s is a one-stop platform for web publishers who are looking to monetize their video inventory at premium rates. With truvid’s technology, you can get access to unparalleled demand from the top exchanges, DSPs, and Trading Desks. It has a marketplace that allows publishers to connect with advertisers and efficiently execute all deals. You can also create your video player widget and have the option to choose from truvid’s video library which contacts 1000’s videos across popular niches be it food, entertainment, politics, gender etc. Also, the platform is suited for publishers of all types who have a good volume of premium inventory. Before we get into details, I would like you to take a look at the different solutions offered by truvid to the publishers.

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    truvid’s Solutions for Publishers

    OVP Technology: truvid’s OVP enables market leaders to connect content, Brands and Media under one sophisticated platform and customize it to fit their needs. Our API connections to well-known, established and popular media and demand ad servers allow for an instant live ecosystem, turning your business into an active marketplace moderator.

    Truvid Live Marketplace: The truvid marketplace is ideal for content owners, brands or media providers. Anyone connected can showcase their inventory and command the best price, whilst building an immediate revenue stream. Demand partners of truvid receive instant access to premium media sources and can create a perfect match between content and audiences, creating the ultimate viewer experience

    SSP for Publishers: truvid SSP technology allows media owners to extract professional content and monetize ad revenues through innovative ad formats and viewable widgets. Determine pricing, and be confident that we are taking the measures to maintain the integrity of all the inventory.

    HTML5 Media PLayer: truvid’s HTML 5 media player incorporates advanced advertising customization gestures as well as advanced bidding technology, allowing you to achieve superb ad revenue optimization and top fill rates.

    Content Management Platform: Content owners can instantly partner with top tier publishers and gain maximum exposure while distributing their work to a loyal and growing audience of billions. Our premium technology allows you to control distribution, and see exactly where your content is being consumed.

    Benefits for Publishers: Getting Started with truvid

    truvid is a one-stop solution for web publishers. The benefits include additional video revenue (which can be a significant part of your total advertising revenue) and you don’t need to focus on building your content and player for it.

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    It is truly a simply plug-and-play interface with beautiful UI which makes it easier for anyone to get started with the platform.

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    truvid takes all the effort of sourcing the demand and auctioning it at the highest rates on your behalf. Truvid SSP is created to help you get the maximum price for every video impression and ensure that you have the highest fill rate across your inventory. 

    Our Recommended Tools for Publishers:

    Looking to Increase your Ad Revenue: Get in touch with me for a personalised consultation and increase your ad revenue across native, display, video (instream and outstream), in-app and other verticals. I also assist in customized DFP setup, header bidding, and content creation strategy. My skype id is: ronniedey. Feel free to connect!

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