AffLift Review: Best Affiliate Marketing Forum for Marketers 2020

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Affiliate marketing is the process of extending product creation and marketing efforts across different parties, where each of them receives a share of the revenue by referring according to their contribution. The affiliates who are recommending a product have to use it then promote it to earn a portion of the profit from each sale the brand makes. The sales are mostly trailed through affiliate links from one site to the other. This is one of the oldest forms of marketing techniques used by marketers. Affiliate marketing proves to be more effective as you do not require to have a large subscriber base but involves third party influencers to promote your business. The affiliates are the third party users who do not require convincing for your product. In order to earn a commission, they would go that extra mile to personally vouch for your product before the potential users. The most common start of affiliate marketing happens with the people referring to their known circle, hence the overall conversion ratio is one of the highest when all other forms of marketing are considered. With lucrative offers, deals, and rewards affiliate marketing has the most effective impact on the reputation of the Brand. Some of the most popular affiliate networks are Clickbank, Shareasale, JVzoo, Hotmart, Clickbooth, Ads 4 Dough, Commission Junction, Amazon Affiliate Program, and eBay Partners Program. Forrester concluded in its prediction that affiliate marketing spending in the US will grow by 10.1% from 2015 to $6.8 billion in 2020.

Why Should You Join an Affiliate Marketing Forum

Affiliate marketing works best when the responsibilities of product marketing and creation are spread across parties. It utilizes the capabilities of different individuals for a more effective marketing strategy while providing contributors with a share of the profit. A decent affiliate can make anywhere from $10,000 a year to $400,000. A super affiliate can make upwards of $1,500,000 a year. The earning potential is enormous for those marketers who can rise to the top of the industry. The fundamentals of being an affiliate is joining a forum so as to learn about new products every day. Being a huge source of information, affiliate marketing forums prove to be very effective in educating newbies as well as seasoned affiliates new techniques of marketing. You will get similar minds to provide you with motivation and specialization. These will be a centralized repository for a rich source of discussions.

AffLift Overview

AffLIFT was founded by Luke King as a way to expand the opportunities for affiliate marketing. He is an affiliate marketing veteran who shares his experience and ideas in the Forum which helps other affiliates to strategize their campaigns. Main features of the Affiliate Marketing Forum are:

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  • The Guides of Affiliate Marketing – The guides assist and help newbies learn all the fundamentals of affiliate marketing as well as giving them the ability to identify the source of popular and well-known traffic and ways to fix the campaigns on these sources.
  • Case Study – The best possible way of understanding the concept of affiliate marketing is through the use of case studies of successful campaigns. Case studies provide great learning experiences.
  • Follow-Along Campaigns – Follow-along campaigns are posted on the forum which helps to develop an insight into the current activities regarding what has gone right or wrong. This strategy helps to build future campaigns effectively.
  • Examples of the Landing Page – This feature enables one to understand when a landing page is required and how to build that.
  • Help Tracking the campaign – Tips and tricks are shared by experts on the identification of efficient software for tracking, along with relevant information which will immensely help the campaign.
  • Optimization of Campaign – Various tools are available here which will maximize the overall traffic for your campaigns hence, in turn, will increase the profits.

AffLift Pricing Plans

There are two primary pricing plans by Afflift.

Monthly Subscription of $20 Per month gives:

  • Premium Access
  • Affiliate Guides
  • Follow Alongs
  • Case Studies
  • PPV Course

6-Month Subscription at $100 offers:

  • 1 Month FREE
  • Premium Access
  • Affiliate Guides
  • Follow Alongs
  • Case Studies
  • PPV Course

But now there is an EXCLUSIVE OFFER on Lifetime Membership at $350.

  • Premium Access
  • Affiliate Guides
  • Follow Alongs
  • Case Studies
  • PPV Course

AffLift Dashboard

The dashboard of Afflift is laid out well and sincerely designed. The easy to use user interface has been carefully thought of to give delightful user experience. There are dedicated buttons for you to create a new post, look into your profile, notifications & message inbox. The dashboard is very informative and intuitive, it is laid out into cards arranged in two distinct sections. The right hand side section has cards containing :

  • AffLift Staff Who is currently Online: So that you can easily follow them or start a conversation with them in case of any queries.
  • Other Online Members: Again you can start a conversation with anyone easily from here.
  • Latest Posts: Containing a list of the most recent posts by members
  • Most Popular Members: Determined by who has posted the most number of posts and which has aggregated the most number of messages and likes
  • Latest Profile Posts: Containing a list of the most recent posts by members on other member’s profile
  • Forum Stats: Containing the details of the total number of Threads, Messages, Members and the name of the latest member.
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The left hand section basically categorises the posts and the threads, starting with a sliding carousel of the featured threads, then a list of the latest members who have joined and the threads categorized into categories. Kind of like a concise version of facebook news feeds. Next would be again threads categorized into various popular topic so that you can directly join the chatter with a single click and find other members talking on that subject. Lastly there is also an open public chat forum.

What’s Inside AffLift Forum?

AffLift forum consists of several well thought out sections such as :

  • What’s New: It is a consolidated view of the latest Posts, Articles, Media, comments, etc
  • Articles: It is where you get a list of all articles posted on AffLift, you can search articles by category nor even post your own article.
  • Media: Section containing all the video and images posted.
  • Link Directory: One of the most helpful sections where you get a list of tools or software that would help in your Affiliate Marketing, with a short description about the product, Product in-depth details and reviews by other members. It also contains the link to the actual product website.
  • Referral Section: Where you can promote AffLift and earn a recurring 25% commission for every person you refer. You can you a predefined referral link, unique to your profile and every user who registers within 30 days will become one of your referrals. Whenever that user pays for their membership, you earn a commission. You get you payment only on PayPal your Payable Balance every Friday. Your commission becomes payable 30 days after the membership payment is received.

Benefits of Joining AffLift Forum for Affiliate Marketers

Affiliate marketing discussion forums are a treasure trove for various affiliate marketers. These forums help to gain deeper knowledge about successful marketing campaigns from popular and established influencers. These affiliates mediate discussions on these forums about several successful campaigns and simplify for amateur affiliate marketers. Let us see a few more benefits to join Afflift discussion forum:

  • Not only deep insights but afflift forums also provide digital marketing tool-kits which will enhance productivity and promote social media posts.
  • This forum will help you to get an exact and clear analysis of your ongoing marketing campaigns. Knowing the pros and cons will enable you to use the modified strategies in future campaigns. Seasoned marketing experts and media buyers come here to discuss analytics pertaining to their campaign.
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  • Building connections is foundation stones for becoming a top-notch affiliate marketer. However high your sales number is, you have to get acknowledged by the fellow affiliates so as not identified as spam. Afflift discussion forum will help you build good connections.
  • The selection of the right product is always difficult due to extreme competitiveness or shortage of products, etc. Hence join Afflift forum to authenticate your selection and get valuable information regarding the product you have selected.
  • This forum will not only catch the Brand’s attention for an honest review of the product, but also of the potential customers who will also get a hands-on experience of the product.
  • To touch the peak of success in affiliate marketing, you have to consider to maintain a spotless Brand image. Hence before diving into a product, you need to properly research and get it reviewed by expert users. Afflift discussion forum lets you do proper background search so as not to hamper the Brand’s reputation.


Affiliate Marketing is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape. Ensuring optimal performance of various marketing efforts requires constant monitoring of several prime factors minutely such as audience segmentation, email sent-frequency to all your users, offers based on demography or locality, creation of referral codes and trackable custom referral links. This calls for a dedicated investment of a lot of time and effort. It becomes more difficult when done manually if efficiency at scale is to be maintained. Simplifying your workload and making all the interim processes seamless, you have to start automating the process, using customized affiliate marketing software tools. It proves to be an effective approach to meet your income goals depending on the influence of the affiliates. Affiliate marketing through reviews, blogs, social media, and other platforms is a simple process to execute. As discussed thoroughly in the above article: AffLIFT is one of the most popular affiliate marketing software available in the market which comes with an effective discussion forum. If you are up to spread your products across a wide range and quickly, start your journey today with Afflift.

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